Who needs a payee?
If you are receive Social Security benefits
The Social Security Administration assumes that adult beneficiaries are capable of managing their money unless there is legal, medical or other evidence to the contrary. Having a representative payee is not an option or a choice. SSA appoints a representative payee when a beneficiary is determined incapable of managing or directing someone else to manage their benefits.
If you receive Veterans benefits
The Veterans Service Center Manager is authorized to select and appoint (or in the case of a court-appointed fiduciary, to recommend for appointment) the person or legal entity best suited to receive Department of Veterans Affairs benefits in a fiduciary capacity for a beneficiary who is mentally ill (incompetent) or under legal disability by reason of minority or court action, and beneficiary's dependents.
If the Probate Court has ruled that you are incompetent
Conservatorship deals only with the financial affairs of an individual. A conservator may be appointed by the Probate Court when an individual does not have the capacity to manage his or her financial affairs.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties
Persons experiencing financial difficulties may need temporary assistance in managing their financial affairs. We have programs that are designed to help individuals in those situation.